Catching up on some [personal] posts! Here is the Chan-man in his weekly glory.

Catching up on some [personal] posts! Here is the Chan-man in his weekly glory.
My little man is growing up in front of my eyes.
week 13
week 14
week 15
week 16
week 17
week 18
Week 7: This kid LOVES to watch videos of himself...
Week 6: Every morning Chandler gets his breakfast while one of us makes coffee, empties the dishwasher, etc., then he insists on "sharing" our cereal once we get a chance to eat.
Week 5: My sweets wishing his dad a good day at work.
Week 4: Playground action! This kid and I have blazed a trail from our house to McKinley Park - making almost daily visits. Here he is asking for "more" spinning on the merry go round.
Week 3: Here is Chandler (and his little brother-to-be) enjoying the WARM January weather.