I went to UCSB (GAUCHO FOR LIFE!) and majored in biology with the hope that I would fit in with my science-minded family. I worked in cancer research following graduation, but after a couple of years I decided that lab life was not for me. I went back to school for digital photography and launched Lee Brown Photography in 2012, after the birth of my first child.
I love the four boys in my life. I have a kind, selfless husband, and together we have three little men who are best friends and very different. Our oldest (12) chooses the library over all other places and, not surprisingly, enjoys reading. The middle one (10) is constantly dribbling either a soccer or a basketball and his favorite days are ones with “sport games.” The smiliest baby in the world is already 7 and a half and in second grade, but always ready with a quick joke or sarcastic quip. He is our wildcard and is adored by his big brothers.
I love what I do and I have to say this job has pretty much been a dream. It allows me to pursue my creative talents, while also allowing me to be the hands-on mom I want to be for my kids. My goal with photography is to capture you and your loved ones in a positive, flattering way that truly reflects everyone’s personality. My favorite photographs are candid shots that capture everyone in their natural element.
Thank you for visiting my website and for considering Lee Brown Photography for your photography needs! I would love to work with you.